Mobile Network Operators and the Cloud

Mobile Network Operators and the Cloud
I recently had an interesting discussion with a UK-based consultant about the role of mobile network operators (MNOs) in the cloud and how they would deal with the surging mobile traffic. The discussion also related to data centers, network interconnections and proximity of data.

This article is the first of two about our conversation and is a general description of how I see MNOs currently positioned to the cloud. The second article will be somewhat more technically inclined.

Telecoms are late entering the cloud domain

Companies bring different perspectives to cloud computing, depending on their market, location, jurisdiction, and industry. In addition, the “cloud” has a very open meaning and encompasses a variety of configurations, mainly public, private and hybrid clouds.

Generally it has been said that SMEs and startups are more inclined to go for public cloud services (web servers, storage, etc.), while larger companies move more cautiously and either prefer to establish a private cloud environment or a hybrid context. When it comes to software as a service (SaaS), it‘s clear that companies of all sizes are already moving a lot of services into the cloud, including CRM (Salesforce), email and office applications (Office365, Google Apps, etc). I believe this trend will continue. These services and some others that do not entail sensitive data have been successfully delivered cross-borders and continents, without even enterprise customers necessarily knowing the exact location of data or data centers origin.

When it comes to telecoms and data centers or cloud services, I think they are in a unique but fragile situation. Many telecoms already possess large and distributed data centers that have been used for hosting and colocation services for many years. However, compared to cloud services, these have generally been expensive, closed and slow in service provisioning. Most telecoms are late in entering the cloud ecosystem that already offers agility, self-service, pay-as-you-go and other cloud characteristics. However, there is also difference between geographical markets. For example, U.S. telecom providers like Verizon have been very keen on deploying enterprise-class cloud services, especially though their acquisition of Terremark earlier this year.

Telecoms still have some important advantages, especially through existing, and often strong, customer relationship, billing expertise and customer services. All these are important for companies wanting to deploy cloud services in one way or another. Having said this, telecoms, through their existing customer relationship, can offer various bundling of cloud and telecom and/or network services making it still more feasible for customers to retain and expand their business with their telecom service provider. Also, industries that are moving cautiously to the cloud, including financial services and the health-sector, may be more likely to trust their current provider that can guarantee network performance and proximity of data.

When it comes to colocation services in particular, I believe these will gradually be replaced with “remote private cloud” services, like those Amazon and Rackspace are already offering. Companies can obtain a reserved infrastructure and extend their local network into a remote data center that can be accessed through secure and managed networks like MPLS via VPN, IPsec or similar. I am not fully aware how far telecoms have gone in offering remote private cloud services, assuming full web-based self-service and immediate access to infrastructure.

Mobile operators and the cloud

I personally do not think that mobile operators (MNOs) will be particularly strong in running data center based cloud applications and services. Their effort will mostly be gocused on the delivery of cloud service. through the core mobile network and the radio network itself.

However, to provide an improved service delivery, they may select to deploy managed network connections to any of the important cloud providers, but not rely totally upon Internet connections. Another issue is to “fetch” content that is being replicated and made accessible near to the end-user. This is already being done in increased manner through Content Delivery Networks like Akamai and Limelight Networks.

MNOs could possibly develop a strong proposition as cloud brokers, delivering selected cloud services and bundling with others services and billing – similar to telecoms perhaps. Although possible, this is not a straightforward approach, especially since the leading smartphone platform makers (Apple, Google) tend to shape the ecosystem according to their own strategy. MNOs and telecoms are not exactly known for their agility and software prowess, compared to many others.

When it comes to LTE (long term evolution), the mobile network will have the ability to deliver cloud services better and faster with an increased bandwidth capacity of up to 100Mbit/s within each cell – and a pure IP-based traffic all the way to the handset. It should still not be forgotten that the bandwidth is a shared medium, so the service delivery can vary according to the number of users and usage pattern in each cell.

However, as the mobile core and radio network are domains of the MNOs, delivery and service quality can be managed up to a certain degree. Still, latency and congestion will continue to occur, but not necessarily within the mobile network, but perhaps somewhere in the backbone, such as in the Internet.

Backhaul in 4G mobile networks should not necessarily be a limiting factor, as LTE will mostly be restricted to cities and largely populated areas where network capacity and bandwidth are normally in abundance. As for proximity to cloud services, I believe these will increasingly be solved through CDNs as is already happening. Popular content is being replicated or cached to the edges, making it faster to deliver to end-users.

Mobile Network Operators and the Cloud
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Facebook Bangun Server Dekat Kutub Utara

Kawasan dingin membeku merupakan kelebihan utama bagi Lulea, kota di bagian utara Swedia, tempat yang diincar Facebook untuk membangun pusat data terbaru mereka. Namun, meski angin kutub mampu membantu menghemat energi untuk mendinginkan server, kebijakan hukum yang berlaku akan memanaskan situasi.

Sebuah undang-undang pemantauan Internet yang disebut sebagai FRA law, berlaku di Swedia sejak tahun 2008 memungkinkan pemerintah negeri itu untuk menyabot setiap trafik Internet yang melewati perbatasan Swedia tanpa perlu surat dari pengadilan.

Dikutip dari The Register, 31 Oktober 2011, rakyat Swedia sendiri tidak menyukai aturan ini. Google bahkan menyebutkan undang-undang itu tidak cocok dengan iklim demokrasi dunia Barat. Dan jika Facebook jadi membuka server mereka di sana, aturan itu akan mengusik warga Eropa karena pemerintah Swedia bisa melihat-lihat isi Facebook tiap pengguna.

“Ini kabar yang sangat buruk bagi beberapa ratus juta pengguna Facebook dari Eropa, yang akan mendapati informasi akun Facebook mereka disimpan di server tersebut,” kata Anna Troberg, pemimpin Pirate Party, Swedia. “Artinya, apapun yang mereka kirimkan dari dan ke Facebook akan melewati filter milik FRA,” ucapnya.

Jika tidak ada aral melintang, server ini akan mulai beroperasi per 2013 mendatang. Ia akan menyimpan sebagian besar data pengguna Facebook asal Eropa mulai dari foto-foto pesta ulang tahun, update status, private message ke kekasih pengguna, dan seterusnya. Dan data-data ini bisa dilihat oleh para pejabat Swedia tanpa butuh izin secara hukum.

Undang-undang pemantauan ini, yang juga mencakup hingga komunikasi di ponsel, mendapat kritik yang sangat keras dari berbagai pihak, termasuk salah satunya dari Google.

Peter Fleischer, Global Privacy Counsel Google pada tahun 2007 lalu sempat bersumpah bahwa situs mesin pencari terbesar itu tidak akan membangun server di sana karena negara itu merupakan “negara yang paling melabrak privasi” di seluruh Eropa. Untuk melayani pengguna Eropa, Google sendiri kemudian membangun server mereka di Belgia dan Finlandia.

Lalu, bagaimana reaksi Facebook terkait masalah ini? Tampaknya mereka cuek saja.

“Akses oleh pejabat pemerintah terhadap data pribadi diatur oleh undang-undang di negara-negara manapun, termasuk Amerika Serikat dan Swedia,” kata juru bicara Facebook. “Kami berkomitmen untuk mengikuti aturan yang berlaku di negara di mana kami beroperasi dan menyiapkan tim khusus untuk mengurusi permasalahan terkait undang-undang yang berlaku."
• VIVAnews

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UNESCO Resmi Akui Palestina Sebagai Anggota

Badan pendidikan dan kebudayaan PBB atau UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) memutuskan memberi keanggotaan penuh lembaga tersebut kepada Palestina, Senin 31 Oktober 2011.

Seperti dimuat Reuters, Senin malam, ini akan menaikkan posisi tawar Palestina untuk mendapat pengakuan sebagai sebuah negara dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB).

UNESCO adalah lembaga PBB pertama yang ditargetkan Palestina untuk mendapatkan status keanggotaan penuh, sejak Presiden Mahmoud Abbas mendaftarkan keanggotaan di PBB pada 23 September 2011.

Seperti diketahui, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Jerman menentang keanggotaan Palestina dalam PBB. Sementara, Brasil, Rusia, China, India, Afrika Selatan, dan Prancis mendukung. Inggris sementara masih abstain.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton mengatakan UNESCO tidak berhak menerima Palestina sebagai anggota, karena belum diakui status negaranya oleh PBB.

"Saya bingung, bagaimana bisa badan di PBB membuat keputusan status negara saat isu ini tengah digodok di PBB. Saya kira prosedur ini sangat aneh. Status negara haruslah ditentukan di PBB dan bukan oleh badan yang berada di bawah PBB," tegas Clinton awal Oktober 2011.

Status Palestina di UNESCO sejak tahun 1974 adalah pengamat. Selain keuntungan diplomatis, jika menjadi anggota UNESCO, pemerintah Palestina dapat mendaftarkan monumen atau daerah bersejarah di negara mereka untuk menjadi salah satu Situs Warisan Dunia. (umi)
• VIVAnews

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Perusahaan Hongkong Dulang Emas di Indonesia

Perusahaan emas asal Hongkong G-Resources Group berencana memproduksi emas batangan pertama dari tambang Martabe di Tapanuli Selatan pada akhir kuartal pertama 2012. Saat ini, bijih emas pertama sedang ditambang dan mulai ditimbun.

Chief Executive Officer G-Resources, Peter Albert, menyatakan pembangunan fasilitas terkait tambang Martabe dilakukan sangat cepat. Pekerjaan earthworks, proses peralatan pabrik dan pembangunan infrastruktur berjalan sesuai jadwal.

"Estimasi biaya modal akhir untuk proyek Martabe tetap sama seperti dinyatakan sebelumnya yakni sebesar US$576 juta, dengan sisa dana US$210 juta untuk digunakan," kata Peter Albert dalam keterangannya yang diterima di Jakarta, Senin 31 Oktober 2011.

Di akhir September, G-Resources memiliki kas US$262 juta. Pada kuartal tersebut, perusahaan menerima komitmen tertulis untuk fasilitas utang sebesar US$100 juta dari tiga bank, yakni BNP Paribas, Hang Seng Bank, dan Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.

"Fasilitas (utang) ini akan tersedia untuk penyelesaian proyek jika diperlukan, dan untuk berbagai tujuan penggunaan lainnya," ujarnya.

Peter Albert mengungkapkan G-Resources terus melakukan pekerjaan eksplorasi agresif di sekitar wilayah Martabe dan di seluruh wilayah kontrak karya perusahaan seluas 163.900 hektare.

Pembaruan izin, kata dia, sudah dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kehutanan agar PT Agincourt Resources (Anak usaha G-Resources) dapat melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi bahan galian emas dan mineral pengikutnya di seluruh wilayah kontrak karya.

Albert menuturkan, sumber daya awal di tiga deposit mineral telah diumumkan tahun ini dan berhasil meningkatkan sumber daya Martabe menjadi sebesar 7,8 juta ounces emas dan 73,4 juta ounce perak.
• VIVAnews

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Methods to Master Rising Food Prices These days

Value volatility, climate adjust and plants diseases combined with poor harvests really could herald yet another food situation in 2011, particularly in aspects of Africa and also Asia, according towards the latest predictions from your UN’s Food and Farming Organisation (FAO). Stocks associated with wheat, maize and a few other foods cant be found often in earlier years after floods throughout Pakistan as well as China and the summer drought throughout Russia. 

It had been seen that this has triggered to asset price speculation that pushed up the prices of such grains along with food simply by 40% in a few months and foodstuff price inflation happens to be running with 15% a year. It is practically certain that will consumers around the globe face increased food bills in 2011. The FAO’s Late monthly survey forecasts the factors will lead to a running down associated with global foodstuff reserves, which are currently at close to 74 times, and a growth in rates of involving 10% as well as 20% within 2011. Rising food prices are touchy.

The FAO prediction is the most cynical since greater than 25 international locations experienced meals riots right after price goes up precipitated the food situation that hit the poorest in many parts of the world in 2008. There are generally other factors preparing the trouble. Current estimations for entire world grain generation next year are at 2% below 2009, lower than was anticipated last Summer, when generation for 2011 had been forecast in order to expand.

In addition, the FAO says, climate change and also the competition between food and biofuel production implies that grain vegetation particularly demand substantial price ranges as biofuel as opposed to as food. More and more unstable weather patterns attributed to climate adjust are adding to the situation’s volatility plus the potential pertaining to further cost speculation and also the ongoing problem of some increasingly intractable diseases for example wheat corrosion, a fungus which could seriously affect the level of the pick.

The record says: “The the majority of feared condition of wheat’stem rust has re-emerged inside a new virulent kind, and brand new aggressive stripe corrode strains are devastating wheat crops in many countries. ” Considering that the pathogen was first identified it’s got continued to be able to mutate along with spread, and because it is wind-borne it may can go as much as several 1000 kilometres. 

While attaining global understanding on tackling such problems as local climate change and combating the temptation in the direction of price conjecture, protecting countrywide economies by utilizing import data plans and restrictions in a global financial system may become moving way too bit by bit to get any major effect on food manufacturing and scarcity for a while there are usually other strategies that may be used.

One will be taking urgent action to restore degraded land around the globe. There can be an estimated 1bn hectares-plus involving land using the potential to get restored. A different action should be to increase male fertility on active land. In the actual context regarding improving fertility using disease immune seeds, integrated insect management along with conservation farming can all play a role. 

The operate of biopesticides builders in devising low-chem farming yield boosters, biopesticides along with biofungicides, all that are kinder on the ecosystem, potting soil along with ecosystems may be particularly useful to poorer tiny farmers in the developing world as long as there is wider arrangement on quick regulations as well as licensing along with proper instruction and monetary support regarding farmers to access all of them.

READ MORE » Methods to Master Rising Food Prices These days

In top condition Weight reducing regimen

Obtaining a vibrant weight reducing regimen prescription medication primarily goal concerning folks almost everywhere. The search for computer programs your promote slimming is continuing to grow into appeal within the last few some time. As increasing numbers of most people are more aware of their body shot coupled with believes, diets have most certainly been to arrive left and right. Often, these kind of diet programs includes the type of combine of a suitable firm nutrition program using a solid exercising organize.

These two aspects are nearly always in a beautiful particular diet, and yet you’ll find that further known a rise in diets it direct attention to one aspect alone. Previous to choosing to set about each and every weight reducing regimen, they need to be sure that this method is normally to be honest-formulated coupled with will take overall fitness and conditioning under consideration.

The proper weight reducing system is essential while weight isn’t the just count everyday people will look within. During excessive fat as an activity that every people are obsessive about, allowing it to be the one justification for ones diet and fitness offices are usually bad many times. Instead of just contemplating unwanted weight on their own, one should observe in general training, and this is how most fat reduction plan would be wise to run. 

The root mission associated with a diet regime not surprisingly , ought not simply be to look good now to get rid of excess that weight away. The key plan in a weight loss program is to increase general health and also wellness. When you like to drop extra pounds, that will not be to install inside moderate are dressed so they can look really good, but it really should really be as a result carrying excess fat might cause several health concerns. Dropping the weight is mostly a key to a healthier life, which in comparison with essential emphasis.

When we start eating better procedure, your will be to slim the fat. But, opt for the second amounts that go because of excess fat – data that have already further related healthiness compared with what extra weight through. Just think, a person who is since high but nonetheless , which workout plans in any case 3 times short time can in fact seem health boosting rather than a person who is trim nevertheless what person will not fitness in a sense. 

A lot of features whom create unwanted fat, rather not every one of these conditions seem to be governable. Liquids, after they delivers of course sizeable bone tissues after that see your face will be able to usually fat over the person who has a toned single dedicated frame, still that doesn’t mean one is bad. Because of this visitors need be mistrustful around evaluating excess weight the only one just like a training signal. In place, they must appear at various other statistics including blood glucose levels capacity, cardiovascular staying power, hypertension, not to mention plague. 

Along with unwanted weight may be a manifestation of getting nourishing or else destructive, it is not the particular assortment that might important.

An exceptional eating regimen shall think of the amount of situations, and it’ll are able to provide concrete saw faq rules the fact that cope with every one of these causes. It is therefore the suitable to only reduce entirely on energy and on one food circle, however it is essential to improve muscle and strength as well as a beneficial spirit far too. Exploring the overall fitness signs of an individual ‘s what the best weight reducing regimen could be when it comes to.

READ MORE » In top condition Weight reducing regimen

Unsecured Personal Loans- Free Helpful Information For Credit Loan Unsecured

Unsecured loans have few, if any, restrictions. Years ago some forward-looking lending institutions created them to adjust to potential borrower needs. Also called signature loans, they do not need any collateral.

If your major interest is information related to unsecured personal loans or any other like bad credit loans unsecured,fast cash advances, student loan unsecured debt orunsecured business loans in new york, this article can prove handy.

Unsecured loans are the exact opposite of secured loans and include things like credit card purchases, education loans, or bank notes, which usually demand raised rates than secured loans, because they are not backed by collateral.Unsecured loans are the security and hassle free loans for all kinds of borrowers. These loans charge an increased rate of interest and the sub prime credit borrowers can avail these loans with a harder term.

Cheap unsecured advances feature a huge advantage. As discussed earlier, secured loans need you to mortgage some property as security. In the event of unsecured money loans, you aren’t required to do that.

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Unsecured loans for unemployed offer loan access to the work seekers who find difficulty in getting a loan. These loans do not have a residential property security tag. The borrower enjoys complete flexibility to spend the loan amount according to his requirements.

Every time we need cash to pay off our monthly bills or get a new auto, we turn to loans as our main source of financing to get is where we would like to be.

Many people hunting for unsecured personal loans also searched online for unsecured consolidation loans, loan personal tenant unsecured, and even nj unsecured personal loan for bad credit.

While an unsecured debt consolidation credit is a good way to pay down high-interest bank card debts, fairly often individuals end up a couple of years later with an identical credit card arrears and the extra burden of clearing the personal credit.

READ MORE » Unsecured Personal Loans- Free Helpful Information For Credit Loan Unsecured

Credit Cards For Students Important Tips

Students should keep in mind that credit cards for students are not different from general credit cards. Financial agencies which issue credit cards for students do not hold, for any reason, extra sympathy towards the student community. This is why students must be more careful and responsible when they secure and use credit cards. Students should have their individual monthly estimate of income and expenditure. 

It is wise for them to accept self-imposed restrictions of some kind. Magnitude of debt must not be more than ten percent of the final income of the students. They should believe that they secure loans using the credit cards for students. Everyone knows that expense is restless.

A part or major part of the expenditure remains within the knowledge of the individual student. On the other hand, students experience that they are bound to spend for reasons about which they are not already ready. Hence, they should learn to balance their income and expenditure intelligently. As credit card is to borrow some money, reimbursement is obvious necessity. 

Students as borrower should be responsible regarding payment in due time. They should bear in mind that payment agreements on using credit cards for students must be honored. Violation of payment agreement will go against the financial health of the students. Intelligent students study the credit limit mentioned in the statement. They try to remain just below the credit limit provided by the financial institutions who have issued the credit cards for students.

This kind of students creates their own credit limit which is less than the offered one. Violation of payment agreement means more financial pressure, because more amounts in the form of fines, fees and penalties are to be paid. Credit cards for students are also cancelled because of failure in honoring the agreement. One important thing in this respect is the date of payment or due date of payment. 

Student borrower can pay the credit amount after the due date of payment. This becomes late payment which demands penalties, extra charges etc. Students having credit cards, sometimes, change their address. They should be ready to inform the credit cards issuing authority about the change. They should let the authority note their new address of contact, unless which there are chances for late payment.

READ MORE » Credit Cards For Students Important Tips

Making The Most Of A Trip To Japan

By Whitney Goldbach

Are you thinking of visiting or studying abroad in Japan? Japan, known as the "Land of the Rising Sun," is a beautiful and fascinating place to live, learn, and work on your language skills. Before embarking on your travels, it may be helpful to learn a few facts about the country and its people so that you are better-informed during your visit.

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. It is actually an archipelago that contains 6,852 islands. The four largest islands, which are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku, take up the majority of the land mass. The islands of Japan are located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an active volcanic zone. Japan has 108 active volcanoes. The climate is generally temperate, though northern parts of the country experience long, cold winters. The Pacific coast tends to experience milder weather, while the Ryukyu Islands have a subtropical climate.

Japan is one of the most densely-populated nations in the world. The capital city, Tokyo and its surrounding suburbs, is the world's largest metropolitan area, with over 30 million inhabitants. Japan contains 47 prefectures, or states, which are distinctly governed.

Japan is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Japan is ruled by an Emperor who has limited power. The Prime Minister of Japan and the elected parliamentary group, which is called the Diet, have the majority of political power. The Diet has a House of Representatives, which contains 480 seats and a House of Councillors with 242 seats.

Japan has the world's longest life expectancy rate, and over 23 percent of the population is over 65. All elderly people in Japan have health care provided by the government. As growing numbers of younger people are choosing not to have families in today's Japan, the population is expected to decrease considerably, causing a decline in the workforce.

School in Japan consists of mandatory elementary and middle school education from age six to 15. Most children go on to three years of high school, and over 75 percent of high school graduates attend an institution of higher education such as a university, junior college, or trade school. The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University are the two highest ranking Japanese universities. Education is greatly valued in Japan, and it is a leading nation in scientific research, particularly technology and biomedical research.

Japan has a culture rich in the arts, cuisine, and sports. Japanese restaurants have been ranked as some of the best in the world. Sumo is the traditional sport of Japan, but martial arts such as kendo, judo, and karate are widely appreciated, as is baseball. Popular music in Japan draws heavily from pop music in Europe and the United States, with pop karaoke being a favorite recreational activity for many Japanese people. As for religion, the majority of Japanese people follow Buddhism or Shinto.

Your Japanese travels will be the adventure of a lifetime! Especially if you will be spending some time living in Japan, it is a good idea to be well-informed about this beautiful, geographically diverse and culturally-rich nation. If you are a college student, you may want to study abroad in Japan. Choosing this country will make your studies abroad both fulfilling and fun!

READ MORE » Making The Most Of A Trip To Japan

Top Restaurants To Visit In Montreal

By Lisa Steinway

Montréal, Quebec, has some of the finest restaurants in the world. There are a wide range of diverse restaurants serving delicious cuisine. You will experience petite Tonkanize soup shops in Chinatown, classic French dining, steam dogs, sumptuous breakfasts, superb brunches, incredible Italian dishes, and so much more. There are so many outstanding mouth watering dishes that will satisfy every palate.

Below is a list of some of the top restaurants to visit in Montreal:
La Chronique, 99 Laurier Avenue West: This quaint café features delicious food, fantastic wines, and pleasing service. The relaxed atmosphere is enhanced by such delicious dishes as plank of Arctic char smoked served with deer sausage, a dish of sweetbreads and chorizo in a rich sauce with delicious red peppercorns.

Toqué, 3842 Rue St. Denis: When you dine at the exquisite Toqué, you will experience a culinary delight. You will enjoy such dishes as sorrel risotto, seared sea scallops with a dash of sun-dried tomatoes, and seasonal vegetables in a glossy carrot jus with light yellow ground cherries.

Globe Restaurant: 3455 Boulevard St. Laurent: The menu at Globe Restaurant is not only mouth watering but also innovative, serving such dishes bistro classics, veal steak with a tantalizing sauce. The atmosphere is trendy and the décor is relaxed and uniquely charming.

Mediterraneo Grill & Wine Bar, 3500 boulevard St. Laurent: The Mediterraneo Grill & Wine Bar is one of the most popular French restaurants. The décor includes a "spaceship Moderne" circular dining room which points to Provence and places further outward. Popular dishes are the venison steak and the vegetarian risotto comes sprinkled with oven-dried tomatoes, baby asparagus tops, tatsoi, and corn shoots.

L'Express, 3927 Rue St. Denis: The L'Express recreates Paris bistro down to the finest detail. L'Express's wine features exclusive imports from France. Popular dishes are the steak frites, calf's liver in tarragon sauce, and the quartet of roasted marrow bones.

Schwartz's, 3895 Boulevard St. Laurent: This delicious restaurant features a silky dark smoked meat sandwich on a plate with half-sour pickles and rye bread. It is mouth watering and has made it a popular spot for lovers of true smoked meat sandwiches.

Ferreira Café Trattoria, 1446 Rue Peel: The amazing food featured at Ferreira Café Trattoria, include: Portuguese cooking such as charcoal-grilled sardines and classics such as salt cod and potato casserole and grilled whole fish. The aged ports of fortified wine are absolutely superb.

Jongleux Café, 3434 Rue St. Denis: Popular dishes offered in this terrific restaurant include beef pressed with leeks in artichoke-laced oil and fresh skate. The nights are very lively and the lunch hours are more laid back.

Experiencing the incredible restaurants in Montréal, Canada is a truly culinary experience making Montréal the home to some of the finest restaurants in the world. There is such a wide range of diverse restaurants offer all sorts of fine cuisine, there is something to satisfy everyone's taste. When visiting Montreal, Quebec, make the most of the fantastic restaurants the spectacular city has to offer.

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READ MORE » Top Restaurants To Visit In Montreal

The Best of Both Worlds in Latin America

By Henry Arnault

People love extremes. We love to see the highest mountain peaks, the lowest canyon valleys, the driest continental deserts, and the largest urban fountains. So for someone who wants to see, and most importantly, feel the difference on their Latin America vacation, consider visiting Costa Rica and Argentina. Costa Rica is known for its fiery volcanoes (not that they erupt regularly of course!), and Argentina, aside from the tango of Buenos Aires and wine of Mendoza, is famous for its southern Patagonia region.

Costa Rica, located in Central America between Nicaragua and Panama, is host to the most perfect natural juxtaposition for travelers. To its west is the busy Pacific Ocean coast full of surfers taking advantage of the magnificent waves, and in the west are the calm beaches of the Caribbean Sea creating the ultimate romantic getaway for couples and newlyweds. The weather is pleasant all year, even during what is known as the rainy season, and the hot, tropical air of the summer creates a truly laid back atmosphere for relaxation. Throughout Costa Rica, there are a number of volcanoes-112 to be exact-many of which are still active. The most famous of these include the Irazu Volcano (the tallest), Poás Volcano, Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, Orosí Volcano, Miravalles Volcano, and Tenorio Volcano. The superstar, however, is the Arenal Volcano which is the most active of them all. Its last eruption was on August 24th, 2000 although only 1 person perished and more than 600 others were successfully evacuated. Still, on a daily basis, the Arenal spews hot gas and fumes as it lingers in the background of the Arenal National Park, a sight sure to be remembered on your Costa Rica trips.

Moving down South America, then, is Argentina. The immense country has enough to offer for months if not years of travel, but one of the truly unique destinations is its southern, icy Patagonia region. The town of Bariloche is situated at the base of the Andes, and it is one of Argentina's top adventure hubs. From here, visitors may go on excursions to try skiing, trekking, climbing, and more. The Perito Moreno Glacier is another top destination great for all ages, and the towns of El Chalete and El Calafate are additional stops sure to please the adrenaline seeker. For the ultimate experience, head to the ends of the earth to the city of Ushuaia, known as the southernmost city on earth. It is certainly an anomaly, and it is fascinating to see a fully functioning city so far from the rest of worldly society. If going to Ushuaia isn't enough, embark on an Argentina to Antarctica cruise which will allow you to see the final major continent on earth. Don't forget your camera, because the visuals down here are certain to be ones of a lifetime.

This article about Costa Rica and Argentina was written by a travel expert at Latin America For Less who specializes in helping you organize best value Costa Rica trips and fully customizable Argentina to Antarctica cruise packages.

READ MORE » The Best of Both Worlds in Latin America

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A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.Your online success team and partner helping people all over the world to earn money online.

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Online advertising and Google AdSense

We have now all heard about unlocking your iPhone with the intention to use an unique SIM in it. This may be a good idea in certain situations. Many people want to unlock their iPhone to get round utilizing AT&T as their mobile phone service provider. Others just wish to use the iPhone for web and music capabilities and they do not want to use it as a phone at all. They hack the firmware in order that they do not have to activate the phone on any community to be able to use it. Here is the question before us. Unlocking your iPhone, is it a good idea?

If you are looking to unlock your iPhone to apply it to another network equivalent to T-Cellular then you are breaking the law. It’s unlawful and in violation of Apple’s agreement with AT&T to apply it to another network. Apple receives royalties from AT&T for each iPhone that’s related to their network. Apple loses money on every hacked iPhone. Many feel that it is ok to hack the iPhone’s firmware in order that it can be used on one other network. It’s the creator’s standpoint that this ethically wrong. Whether or not you agree with AT&T and Apple’s settlement or not is up to you. If you don’t agree with it then don’t use the iPhone as a cell phone. On this case, I do not agree with the hacking of the firmware.

Alternatively if you don’t want the excessive expense of AT&T’s iPhone service and you wish to use the iPhone for its music and web capabilities then hacking into the firmware so that you just should not have to activate the AT&T cellular phone service is OK. You need to be capable of buy the iPhone and use it for the music, video and internet capabilities without having to connect to AT&T’s cell phone network.

You should utilize places that offer free WiFi to access the internet by way of your iPhone. The iPod does not provide you with internet capabilities. Due to this fact, if you wish to have internet, combined with superior content then you definitely actually do want an iPhone and you should not need to purchase costly cellphone service with the intention to benefit from the cause most people buy an iPhone in the first place. Unlocking your iPhone, is it a good idea? On this case, yes it is.

Then there is a third cause to hack into the firmware. That is actually in a grey area because it makes use of the total capabilities of the iPhone, together with using it as a phone. You possibly can add Skype VOIP service for about $10 a month after which you’ve gotten a WiFi phone. If you’re using the iPhone in this manner and don’t need to use AT&T’s mobile phone service you are still going to must hack into the firmware in order that you don’t activate the cellphone with AT&T. Is that this in violation of the AT&T, Apple settlement? No, it is not.

That agreement is for AT&T to offer exclusive cellular phone service for the iPhone. The VOIP service just isn’t cellphone service. Due to this fact, if you’re not utilizing another cellular phone service provider to your iPhone you aren’t violating any agreement. That is one way to get across the unique contract with AT&T and nonetheless be capable to ship and obtain calls. The only drawback is that you want to be in an space where you may pickup a WiFi signal with a purpose to use your Skype VOIP service.

Unlocking your iPhone, is it a good idea? It will depend on your views. On one hand there are legal and moral points with hacking into the firmware in general. Nevertheless, your intent on why you are doing this additionally comes into play. Apple and AT&T have an exclusive settlement as far as cell phone service goes.

Apple does not recommend using every other SIM card other than the one that came along with your telephone but it does not particularly prohibit it either. If you happen to bought the iPhone to use for content and web solely and even for those who plan to make use of it as an costly Skype VOIP cellphone, that’s your business and it is best to have the ability to do that with out signing up for costly cellphone service you do not need. Unlocking your iPhone, is it a good suggestion? Perhaps.

Online advertising and Google AdSense
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Breast Cancer Risk Factors for Women

By Laura Mims

Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, with the exception of skin cancer. While some risk factors can be eliminated through changes in lifestyle, others are not so easy to overcome. Understanding your risk for developing breast cancer is essential for early detection and diagnosis.

There is no known cause of breast cancer. However, we do know that there are certain risk factors that are linked to this disease. Simply having one or more of these factors does not mean that you will develop this type of cancer. Understanding your risks can empower you to make lifestyle changes and become vigilant about administering self breast exams and scheduling your routine mammogram.

Gender and age play a big role in determining your risk for breast cancer. Women are much more likely to develop this disease than men. In fact, only about 1% of all diagnosed cases involve men. Breast cancer is most commonly found in women ages 55 and over. Routine screening becomes even more important as we age.

If you have a mother, sister, or daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you are at a higher risk for developing this disease as well. However, it is important to keep in mind that a large percentage of women who are diagnosed, have no family history. Researchers have found that a familial mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can not only put you at a higher risk of developing breast cancer, but other cancers as well.

Breast cancer is found more often in women who have had no children or did not have their first child until after the age of 30, than those who birthed children at a younger age. If you began menstruation before the age of 12 or experienced menopause after the age of 55, you are at a higher risk for developing this type of cancer.

We all know that being overweight is unhealthy. Those women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than 25 are at a higher risk for breast cancer than those women who maintain a lower BMI, especially after menopause. Extra fat cells, especially those around the waist, mean more estrogen in the body, which may help cancer cells grow. Losing weight and exercising can be difficult but it is essential to maintain a healthy weight throughout your lifetime.

Eating a healthy diet will not only help you manage your weight, but may also boost your immune system and help to keep your risk of cancer as low as possible. Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Try to limit your fat intake and make healthy choices when eating out. While more research is needed, studies suggest that what we eat and how much we eat may affect our chances of developing breast cancer.

If you are a smoker or drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day, you should stop. Smoking and drinking in excess are linked to many types of cancer. Consult your physician for valuable information and tips on quitting smoking.

If you are concerned about any of these risk factors, talk with your physician. He or she may make recommendations for early diagnostic screenings or assist you with implementing lifestyle changes. With new treatments and early diagnosis, we are better able to find and treat breast cancer so that women have an increased chance for a complete recovery.

Laura Mims is a writer for FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital, which specializes in oncology, cancer care and cancer treatment in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

READ MORE » Breast Cancer Risk Factors for Women

'Triple Negative' Breast Cancer

By Dr. Eric Brown

Breast cancers are not all the same and they behave differently. To effectively target breast cancer cells with the right therapy requires that we identify the cancer subtype. By knowing the subtype and which genes the cancer expresses, we know which drugs to use, as different receptors accept different drugs.

While some subtypes lend themselves well to very specific targeted types of treatment, Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBCs) do not. TNBCs do, however, respond to other types of treatment. This article looks at the population that is most likely to be in the TNBC group.

Breast cancer tissue is typically tested for specific receptors to estrogen, progesterone, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2-neu). The presence of any of these receptors, allows for targeted therapy. Targeted therapy utilizes drugs that recognize these receptors, thereby affecting only those cancer cells.

Estrogen or progesterone receptors are treated with what is called endocrine therapy. The most recognized drug used to target either of these receptors is tamoxifen. In post-menopausal women, drugs called aromastase inhibitors (Arimidex, Femara, Aromasin) perform a similar task of essentially blocking the bodies own estrogen from binding to and stimulating cancer cells that may be circulating in the body or at the site of the original tumor.

The presence of these receptors is a favorable prognostic indicator. The presence of the HER2 receptor is actually a poor prognostic indicator, suggesting a more aggressive disease. A relatively recent breakthrough in breast cancer treatment was the discovery of Herceptin, a drug that targets this receptor. While still suggesting more aggressive disease, the use of Herceptin, along with chemotherapy, has had a remarkably positive impact on the treatment of those cancers that posses this receptor.

Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBC), don't have any of these receptors. Thus, there is no effective targeted therapy. 10-20% of all invasive breast cancers are 'Triple Negative'. Younger women and African American women are more likely to develop this subtype of breast cancer.

In addition, women with a BRCA1 mutation are more likely to be 'triple negative'. In fact, the diagnosis of TNBC is now an indication to consider genetic testing. In addition, these subtypes of breast cancers respond differently to therapies. TNBC's tend to respond very well to chemotherapy. Thus, the indications for chemotherapy in this subgroup tends to include even small, lymph-node-negative patients.

A major focus of current research is trying to find drugs to interfere with the growth of TNBC, as well as discover new targets that might exist in this subtype. By identifying Support groups of TNBC patients have formed. For information go to

About the Author

Dr. Eric Brown has twice been voted "Top Doc" in the Detroit Metro area. He is certified in breast ultrasound by the American Society of Breast Surgeons, is trained in Oncoplastic Surgery (plastic surgery for the treatment of breast disease), and is a member of The American Society of Breast Surgeons and The American Society of Breast Disease.

Dr. Brown is the Director of the Breast Care Center, as well as, The Center of Excellence Director for Breast Care, at Beaumont Hospital. His clinic is Comprehensive Breast Care in Troy, MI.

READ MORE » 'Triple Negative' Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer And How It Can Be Diagnosed

By Joseph Ezie Efoghor

The diagnosis of breast cancer is made only after all careful and thorough examinations of both breasts have been done. Usually both physical, radiographic or infra-red and laboratory examinations are carried out before arriving at a conclusive diagnosis. These have to be examined by the doctor who would decide whether the cells are normal or distorted by cancerous growth.

Physical examination
This is usually done by checking both breasts to see if there are abnormalities in their shape, size, colour, etc. They are checked for unusual rashes, lumps, dimpling, nodules, etc. The nipples may be squeezed to check for fluid discharge.

Besides, should there be any lump (whether small or big), the shape and texture is checked to be sure if it is benign or malignant cancer. Malignant lumps are likely to be hard, firmly attached and odd, whereas benign tumours are likely to be movable, soft and smooth.

This is the radiographic or infra-red examination of the breasts to detect abnormalities. Abnormalities to look out for include lumps or precancerous cells. It is advisable for women who are already 40 years or older to have mammograms every 1 or 2 years. This usually helps to detect any strange development even before they become palpable or visible to the naked eyes.

This is another way of detecting cancerous cells. It involves measuring the amount of heat given off by the breast, using infra-red photography. Usually the amount of blood supplied to the cancerous cells is higher than that supplied to the surrounding normal cells. This method can be used for the early detection of breast cancer.

This is the removal of some tissues of breast for special examination for the purpose of diagnosing breast cancer. This can either be aspiration, excisional, needle or punch biopsy.

Ultrasound are ultrasonic waves used for the examination of interior organs of the body. This can also be used to determine whether the lump felt on palpation of the breasts is cancerous or not. The computer pictures produced would show the type of lump, if it is solid or just a cyst.

Laboratory investigations
Apart from the afore-mentioned examinations, laboratory investigations could be ordered to determine the actual cause of the cancer. Some of the tests that could be done include hormone receptor test to determine if the tumour is caused by oestrogen or progesterone or both; and HER2/neu test to determine whether the tumour is caused by HER2/neu protein.

However, diagnosis should not be made in haste until all necessary investigations are carried out. This is because some conditions of the breast may resemble cancer: to avoid wrong diagnosis and danger arising from the application of wrong therapy, thorough investigations have to be done. After the investigations, the results are interpreted by the doctor before prescription of drugs and treatments are commenced.

Join My Health Forum to learn more on how to take care of your health. Joseph Ezie Efoghor is a Registered Nurse and Safety Officer. To get more of his write-ups, visit

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Breast Cancer and Natural Options

By David J Foreman

Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. To date, modern medicine is still taking the invasive approach to preventing the disease. Prevention should be built around understanding the disease including such things as; knowing the risk factors and lifestyle changes (including my 4-Pillars of Great Health).

Please don't take me the wrong way, I believe there is a time and place for modern medicine. The modern medical world does-in most cases-have our best interest at heart. My regret is that too often it (modern medicine) looks at the surface of health instead of the root of the problem. There should be more focus on education about lifestyle changes and less spent on potentially bogus research.

Who gets Breast Cancer?

Remarkably, some women who have one or more risk factors never get breast cancer. And most women who do get breast cancer don't have any risk factors at all. The crazy fact is-about 70% of women with breast cancer have no known risk factors. This is even more reason to live a healthier lifestyle. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".

Things you can't change

Age (risk rises as you get older)
Sex (100 times more common in women)
Race (Whites more than African-American, Asian, Hispanic and American Indian)
Menstrual Periods (women who begin before 12 or end after the age(s) of 55)
Breast lesions (previous breast biopsy with abnormal cells)

Things you can change (if it isn't too late)

Child Birth (Either not having a child or having one after the age of 30)
Birth Control Pill use
Hormone Therapy
Not breast-feeding (breast-feeding lowers the risk)
Alcohol Use (especially 2 or more drinks per day)
Being Overweight
Exercise (increased activity decreases your risk)

Remember, risk factors are just that-having one or more of these will increase the possibility of developing the condition. Having any one of these isn't necessarily a sentence of doom, but should be treated as a wake-up call to take better care of you.

The following is based on "what would the Herbal Pharmacist do if he had this condition?" I choose to start with the following comments:

1. The majority of women with breast cancer have no known risk factors

2. No matter where the condition is-breast, colon, lung, etc.-CANCER can be life threatening.

3. Modern medicine does acknowledge that lifestyle choices (being overweight, smoking, eating habits, not enough exercise, etc.) increase your risk of developing cancer.

Having stated these (obvious to many) points, I am drawn to one conclusion: Lifestyle is the one constant in the majority (probably all-but I don't have the time to look it up) of the forms of cancer we get. If we could just change certain things about how we live (LIFESTYLE) we probably wouldn't get cancer. In past articles on cancer I stated that you won't get cancer if your immune system is functioning optimally. Cancer cells are abnormal cells. If your immune system was working the way it should, it would identify the bad cells and destroy them. I believe that because of the many lifestyle choices we make (not following my 4-Pillars of Great Health), we place our bodies in harms way by decreasing the effectiveness of our immune system.

As I state, the 4-Pillars are Supplements, Diet, Activity and Spirituality. Let's start with Dietary supplements. Whether I have this condition or I am looking to not develop it, I would look to the same basic supplements. Doses may change based on your condition and its severity. (Someone with Stage IV cancer would be more aggressive with dosing than someone who is just looking at prevention) This is the laundry list of supplement you should consider:

Green Tea
Lignans (Flax)
EPA/DHA (Fish oil)
I3C (comes from cruciferous veggies) (besides diet, use cruciferous extracts)
Calcium D-Glucarate
Iodine (or other natural sources of this mineral)
Maitake Mushroom (extract-I prefer D-Fraction from Maitake Products)
Vitamin D3
Vitamin A (use caution-high doses are linked to liver damage)

Of these listed supplements, many can be purchased in "breast health" supplements. Examples such as Advanced Breast Support (M.D. Select) and Healthy Cells Breast (Enzymatic Therapy) would be a great step in the right direction. I would use these as part of my foundation when building the Herbal Pharmacist Dietary supplement program.

The next level up would be to use a good antioxidant targeting your condition. Supplements like Super Critical Antioxidant (New Chapter) would be a great fit. You may wish to add more antioxidants if you wish to be more aggressive. Finding a combination antioxidant which contains CoQ10, A, and maybe the herbs Green Tea and Turmeric would be great. I also throw Flor*Essence Tea into this level. This amazing tea is ALWAYS part of my supplement recommendations for those with cancer concerns. Not only is it a great antioxidant, but also possesses detoxification properties. I especially like its ability to work on cleansing the lymphatic system. This system is critical in all forms of cancer, but especially breast cancer. I have had great success using this tea on a daily basis. Doses ranging from 1-2 ounces per day to the more aggressive 4-8 ounces per day (very severe cases) (this large dose will usually cause side effects like digestive discomfort and diarrhea)

The third level of supplementation would be your fish oil supplement. The jury is still out on how much is enough without going overboard (no pun intended). I usually recommend we consume 2-3 grams per day as part of maintaining great health. Perhaps 5-10 grams per day would be considered the high end for a more aggressive approach.

Even though a probiotic is not listed above, I believe we all should be taking a daily supplement of these friendly bacteria. There isn't any research to say it helps, but with more "good guys" in your digestive system, your body can focus on doing positive work instead of energy on another health issue that my crop up due to insufficient friendly bacteria. Look for a guaranteed delivery product like Reuteri Pearls (Nature's Way) or MD Select for blended formulations.

As I always preach-you can't do just one Pillar and expect to be a healthy individual. Let's take a quick look at other recommendation for those concerned with Breast Cancer.


I feel like a broke record, but here it goes. Throw away and stop consuming refined foods. (Especially Sugar and flour based products) I define a refined foods as a food that isn't in its original state-Don't Eat It! (Pasta, bread, bagels, refined oils, etc.) You can eat: Whole foods! Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, meats (organic lean cuts), chicken (organic), eggs (organic) and fish (not too much because of heavy metal toxicity) I prefer being heavy on the fruits and veggies and lighter on the animal proteins. If you are having trouble with the fruits and veggies, then buy powdered supplements that contain fruit and vegetable extracts. If you're into soy, eat fermented soy products like tofu. (I recommend staying away from soy because there are too many conflicting studies about it being beneficial or harmful-especially with estrogen positive forms of cancer)


Studies show that exercise reduces breast cancer risk. I teach in my seminars that regardless of health challenge you are fighting or preventing to walk briskly 30-45 minutes per day. Brisk walking is defined like this: If you are walking with someone and talking, you should be having trouble catching your breath. According to the American Cancer Society website ( ) one study found that as little as 1 hour and 15 minutes to 2 and a half hours of brisk walking per week reduced the risk by 18%. Their recommendation is you exercise for 45 to 60 minutes 5 or more days a week


I have covered the power of prayer and the belief in GOD before. I think that the majority of us understand the power of religion (whatever you may follow) and our overall health outcome. I recommend we all take a deeper look into our hearts and souls to help us be healthier individuals. What about the mind/body connection? My favorite source for this is Louise Hay. Louise Hay believes there is a mental or emotional link to our health (and so do I). I recommend you get her book(s) and begin working on replacing your negative thought/emotion with a positive one. Too often we overlook the mind/spirit component of health. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then there is no time like the present to start.
READ MORE » Breast Cancer and Natural Options

Diet for Breast Cancer

By Shannon Dipple

Following a diet for breast cancer is an excellent way to fight the disease, whether you already have it or you want to reduce your risk of developing it. Among all cases of cancer in women, breast cancer is by far the most common and many women lose their lives each year trying to battle the condition. Scientists and researchers are hard at work to find a cure, but until then, living a healthy lifestyle and sticking to a nutrition packed, cancer fighting diet are the most effective ways to prevent the disease and to handicap its growth in existing cases.

How Can a Diet Help Fight Breast Cancer?
It's simple: You are what you eat. Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, not just those dealing with cancer. There are chemicals and nutrients in our food that when eaten can help turn our bodies into a cancer fighting machine. The human body is a miraculous thing and it has its own way off fighting and warding off disease as long as you are giving it the fuel it needs to do so.

What's in My Food?
A number of nutrients and chemicals found in different types of food seem to help the body fight and defend itself against breast cancer. The ties between nutrition and breast cancer are linked to several agents in our food, most notably phytochemicals.

A number of chemicals found in plant-based foods are known to promote overall health and help prevent disease. Those chemicals, known as phytochemicals, do a great service to our bodies when we eat them in abundance. Thousands of known phytochemicals exist in our food and should be included in a cancer fighting diet as each has a different purpose and benefit to the body.

What Do Phytochemicals Do?
Phytochemicals actually do many helpful things for our body including:

Provide Antioxidant Activity - most phytochemicals induce antioxidant activity, which protects our body's cells against oxidative damage and greatly reduce the risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Prevent Pathogen Adherence - Many phytochemicals stick to cell walls, which in turn prevents pathogens from adhering to the cells and causing the development of disease.

Interfere with DNA - several phytochemicals have the ability to prevent the replication of a cell's DNA. This basic action is a great help in preventing the replication of cancer cells and can slow or stop the development of the disease.

What's in a Cancer Fighting Diet?
Unlike diets for weight loss or that lower your cholesterol, a solid anti-cancer diet does not focus on taking away foods that you love. The key to this healthy diet regimen is to include an abundance of foods that are both healthy for you and that inhibit the spread, growth and development of breast cancer.

What You Should Be Eating
If you are looking to begin following a nutrient rich breast cancer fighting diet, base your meals and snacks around these guidelines regarding types of food and number of servings per day.

Fiber - On average, Americans only consume about 12g of fiber per day. Cancer research shows that increasing that amount to 25-30g each day can be a great asset in fighting breast cancer. Research suggests that those who are getting more fiber reduce their risk of breast cancer by nearly 11%. The best fiber supplement by far is fruits and vegetable, which contain large natural amounts of fiber.

Fruits and Vegetables - Nutritionists recommend that you increase the well-known 'five servings a day' guideline to nine or more. This is because fruits and vegetables are incredible natural sources of fiber, phytochemicals and antioxidants, essential elements in a diet for breast cancer. Fruits and veggies that are most recommended for their cancer fighting abilities include:

brussel sprouts

Dairy Products - Research suggests that one to two servings of low fat dairy per day in a diet for breast cancer whelps increase your intake of conjugated linoleic acid which is said to promote anti-cancer activity.

Nuts - Including nuts in your diet several times a week will not only help increase your fiber intake but also provides you with monounsaturated fats which are essential to a diet for breast cancer as they help fight the development of this disease.

Fish - Several types of fish are an excellent addition to a cancer fighting diet including salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna. These fish contain an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids that improve blood flow, lower the risk of breast cancer and may help improve the body's response to chemotherapy.

Whole Grains - Nutritionists suggest eating at least 3-6 servings of whole grain each day as part of a cancer fighting diet. This is because it helps to increase fiber intake and can help lower estrogen levels.

While starting a diet for breast cancer may sound difficult, incorporating these phytochemical and antioxidant-rich foods has immeasurable benefits to fighting and preventing cancer of the breast. Most of the foods included in this type of diet are flavorful and enjoyable so have no fear about tasteless, bland meals. Changing your diet to increase your intake of certain substances will not guarantee that you will not develop breast cancer, but it does help dramatically lower your risk. It also helps fight existing breast cancer and may help the body be more receptive to treatments.

READ MORE » Diet for Breast Cancer